STB...Recreation for Laidback People


You have just entered the "Recreation for Laidback People Zone." If you are a worrywart, perfectionist, overachiever or a workaholic and you like should leave now! If you are a somewhat stressed individual and are looking for relief, we believe Lazy Athlete can help you. If your "Mode of Operation" is being the most relaxed, fun loving person in town we demand that you stay! We need more people like you.

For you my just might be some form of a Lazy Athlete, and being one has some responsibilities. One responsibility is that "You need to flaunt it!", so others may learn and benefit from your presence. Have no fear...for this is the new gear world headquarters for all Lazy Athletes, and we believe we can show you some ideas for how to flaunt it?

You must help the world understand in your own words what the true meaning of a Lazy Athlete is to you personally. For you are a Lazy Jedi in the force for what is good, precious and real. You must defeat stress, arrogance, anal retentiveness and the phenomenon of never being satisfied. You, my friend must bring out the love for self, fellow man, animal creatures and mother earth that is rooted deep down in all of us, and spread it across the world. 

You control your sport or activity. It doesn't control you. Meaning, you recreate and compete how you want and when you want. 

Go young or old Lazy Jedi....go make some friends, enjoy your surroundings and have a cold one. Contemplate your purpose and why you have been picked to be the chosen one.

If you start acting like a stick in the mud. You better leave now!!!

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