STB, The Beginning...

 Where the inspiration started and became our destiny to make the world a better place...

The Story of Shoot the Boots™

While walking home from the Sandbar one night in our early 20’s, a buddy showed me and my cousin, Dan, a made up game called “Shoe Golf.” The game involved inserting our foot halfway into our shoe & kicking it towards a target to see who could get the closest. Targets used on the way home were dumpsters, telephone poles, fire hydrants & whatever else that was fair game. Needless to say, we laughed at each other all the way home and had a great time.

Years later, after reminiscing at a family reunion about Shoe Golf, my girlfriend now wife & I started working on an official game. We developed a device that enabled players to keep their shoes on while playing as well as kick toss with more control than a regular shoe. A scoring mechanism was created to make the game challenging yet gratifying. We called it Shoot the Boots™.