The Lounge with COOL VIDEOS

A physical lounge is a place in which to sit and relax. Lounges may have many uses depending on where you are, but this one is a informal virtual place to:

  • Entertain
  • Share ideas
  • Offer inspiration on play 
  • Inform our audience

You will find a mixture of creative media and ideas in regard to Shoot the Boots Kick Toss and Lazy Athlete Lifestyle. Enjoy!

The Boot

When you look at the boot you may not think much of it. It looks fairly simple. However, consider what it took to even make this thing. Try a decade of trial and error and many prototypes. The challenges to overcome such as material, design to work on footwear while adding to improved performance and perfect weight ratios, etc. Not to mention finding the right suppliers and capabilities. Take a moment and appreciate the perfection of the first ever Kick Toss apparatus. The world needs this! I am confident Shoot the Boots will make the world a better place! Sit back and appreciate the marvel.


Footwear Matters

Take it from a expert, Master Lazy may know a thing or two. He may a look a little funny and act a little strange but it is all in the spirit of having fun. The truth is the type of shoe you wear does make an actual difference in performance and consistency. Much of this depends on how it makes contact on the inside of the boot. The boot is designed to make four points of contact at the front of the shoe to give better control. As you develop into an enthusiast, pay attention to what works best and why. Share your input with us!

Practice Your Short Game to Get Good at your Long Game

It says it on the box. Don't get discouraged if you miss your first couple of kicks. Another factor other than footwear is technique. The best recommendation we can give is start small and build your confidence and then work your way out to trying to make longer shots. Sound reasonable?

 New Age Thinking for Kick Toss with Disc Golf.....?!

We have found that you can play on a Disc Golf course fairly well. Straight-of-ways may be less gratifying than a disc, but playing around obstacles and up to the goal is actually pretty dang fun! We have also found that it is not to far off from disc golf par. I mean like add a stroke or two. To sum it up, smaller par is the best, obstacles and turns make it more fun and playing up to the chain goal works well. You just can't come in directly from the top because of the bar holding the chains. I am wondering if we will get any enthusiast that with master hybrid activity.